
calcium and magnesium

The Relationship Between Calcium and Vascular Health Anchovies and calcium supplements are known to contribute to bone health, but in reality, calcium intake can affect vascular health. While calcium can help strengthen bones, it can also lead to the accumulation of calcium in blood vessels, making them stiff. Although glucose within blood vessels is the primary cause of vessel stiffness, calcium can accelerate this process.   When we consume food, nutrients are absorbed into our bodies through the digestion process. The liver processes these nutrients, primarily converting them into glucose. This glucose is then transported through the bloodstream to muscle cells. However, glucose cannot enter cells alone. Insulin is the key that allows this process to occur and is secreted by the pancreas every time we eat. When the liver converts nutrients into glucose, insulin transports it to cells for consumption within two hours. However, excessive food intake can impair insulin function, result

coq10 benefits - walmart and costco

Discovery and Characteristics of Coenzyme Q10 In 1957, an American doctor discovered coenzyme Q10 in the hearts of cattle. However, it was not until 1974 that Japan became the first to commercialize and market it as a product. Although discovered in the United States, Japan took the initiative to commercialize it due to specific reasons. Coenzyme Q10 is a substance produced naturally in our bodies. Since substances found in living organisms or nature are not protected by patents, materials such as coenzyme Q10 and policosanol are no exception. The lack of patents means no profit for companies, leading multinational pharmaceutical companies to abandon the development of coenzyme Q10 as a therapeutic agent. This signifies that it is not beneficial not only for pharmaceutical companies but also for hospitals and doctors. Functions and Effects of Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10 or CoQten, exists throughout our bodies. To facilitate the activity of cells in our bodies, nutrie

Activated charcoal powder - poisoning effect

Origin of Poisoning Treatment In 1831, French physician P.F. Touery left a remarkable case in the study of charcoal therapy by consuming what he thought was the lethal dose of strychnine, known as one of the deadliest poisons. He used activated charcoal as a remedy for poisoning, and as a result, he survived. This pioneering act led to a new method for treating poisoning in humanity, leading to the use of activated charcoal.   Production of Activated Charcoal   Activated charcoal is produced by pyrolyzing wood at high temperatures. When wood is pyrolyzed at around 500 degrees Celsius and then heated to around 1000 degrees Celsius by injecting carbon dioxide or steam, charcoal is formed. During this process, the wood forms tiny pores, which endows it with an enormously large surface area. Activated charcoal consists of activated carbon, which has the property of strongly absorbing organic substances.   Application of Charcoal in Poisoning Treatment   Activated charcoal is widely used in

sarira - Buddhist Gautama Buddha

Origin and History of Sarira In Buddhism, Sarira is a term derived from Sanskrit, meaning "body." This term is divided into Jinshin Sarira and Seung Sarira. Jinshin Sarira refers to the remains of bones and teeth left after the cremation of Gautama Buddha, while Seung Sarira refers to the crystalline formations discovered after the cremation of Buddhist monks.   Jinshin Sarira originated from the relics left after the cremation of Gautama Buddha, among which the most famous are the stupas erected by dividing the relics into eight parts, each taken by a tribe. King Ashoka, who unified India, excavated eight Sarira stupas and divided Gautama Buddha's Sarira into 84,000 pieces, erecting stupas nationwide and even exporting some to China.   Various Narratives of Sarira Several narratives surround Sarira in Buddhism. Among them, there were stories about monks' ascetic practices leading to seminal fluid turning into Sarira or concretions forming in the body turning into Sar

the world's best hospital Mayo Clinic

  In the quiet town of Rochester, Minnesota, located in the United States, stands a comprehensive hospital with a history spanning over 150 years. Despite its small population of 70,000, Rochester boasts a staggering number of physicians, with 4,700 doctors and a total of 58,000 hospital staff, including nurses. This place is well known as the Mayo Clinic. Rochester is nestled amidst lush cornfields, and winters can see temperatures drop to minus 20 degrees Celsius. Nevertheless, with its proximity to the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport, foot traffic into this town never ceases.  The roads from the airport to the town are lined with hotels, catering to patients and their families seeking treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Indeed, many patients visit Rochester for treatment and stay in hotels while availing themselves of the free shuttle service to the Mayo Clinic. Renowned for its prestigious treatments, the hospital serves an astonishing 1.3 million patients annually. However,